Multiple Blogs at the Power Blog Service
Please be aware that each blog will still incur a setup-fee as the same work has to be done to set up each individual blog. However, there may be difficult on the monthly subscription depending on your service package.
Bronze Membership with Multiple Blogs
On the Bronze package (WordPress Hosting and Maintenance) there is no multi blog reduction as the same maintenance activities are taking place on each blog.
Silver Membership with Multiple Blogs
On the Silver Package you can have extra blogs at a reduced monthly rate. This rate is the same price as the Bronze Service. The domain names must all be registered to the same user.
One way of looking at this is that you only pay for the monthly training on your first blog.
Gold Membership with Multiple Blogs
On the Gold Package you can have extra blogs at a reduced monthly rate. This rate is the same price as the Bronze Service. The domain names must all be registered to the same user.
One way of looking at this is that you only pay for the monthly training and coaching on your first blog.
Platinum Membership with Multiple Blogs
With Platinum Service the multi-blog discount depends on whether the additional blogs are part of the same business and fall under the same marketing strategy as the first blog: if there is a single strategy across multiple blogs then the additional blogs are at the reduced rate which is the same price as the Bronze Service; if the additional blogs are each separate business with separate marketing strategies then the full platinum rate applies.
For full information on the pricing for multiple blogs, please visit our Multiple Blogs pricing page.